Wednesday, Dec. 11: Gingerbread Bash! An event for all ages. 6:30 pm. Come and enjoy stories, games, and crafts following supper.
Sunday, Dec. 15: Chancel Choir: Advent Joy/Chancel Women: There Is No Rose
Wednesday, Dec. 18: “It All Happened in the Country” - Children’s Choir Program.
Saturday, Dec. 21: Group to Barter Theater, Abingdon, Va “Go Tell it on The Mountain”
Sunday, Dec. 22: Evening Bells Prelude: Carol of the Bells/Chancel Choir: We wait for Thee Special Guest: Lynn Egerton, Saxophone
Tuesday, Dec. 24: Christmas Eve worship at 5pm and 11 pm.
5:00 pm An Interactive service geared toward families with children. 11 pm: Traditional service of Carols, Communion, Candle lighting
Tue., Dec. 24 - Christmas Eve Services
5 pm: An interactive service geared toward families with children. (F. Hall)
11 pm: Traditional service of Carols, Communion, Candle lighting (Sanctuary)
Wed., Dec. 25 - Community Christmas Lunch
(12 noon - 2:00 pm)
Sun., Dec. 29 Worship 9:00 am (Chapel) 10:55 am (Sanctuary)
Wed., Dec. 25 - Tues. Jan 1. No Activities-Church Office Closed
Wednesday, Jan. 2 Church Office re-opens